Eric Kim Workshop (Kyoto) – Day 1

That’s quite a hiatus — 2 months — but the days zipped by while I refocused on my day job and committed what little free time I had to my DJing. However, there is nothing like a full day of street shooting, banter, and guidance at an Eric Kim workshop to get things going again. It was a thrill to meet the man himself and other street enthusiasts, including the legendary Junku Nishimura (Flickr) and Sean Lotman.

Here is a trio of shots from the first day.





    1. Thanks as usual, my friend. Yes, it was a good experience–especially critiquing and appreciating everyone else’s images. There were some truly inspiring shots.

  1. I remember going on a workshop in London with Eric and it was a great experience for me too. It’s good to see you back and I love the top picture. Great work.

    1. That’s very kind of you to pop by and comment, Chris. Thanks! I’ve been a bit sporadic lately with my attention to Social media… hopefully I can get better at it. Regards.

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